The Wonder Weeks Book Review – A Game Changer for Parents

Product: The Wonder Weeks – How to Stimulate Your Baby’s Mental Development and Help Him Turn His 10 Predictable, Great, Fussy Phases into Magical Leaps Forward
Price: $14.05 (paperback)
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My Rating: 4.5 out of 5

The Wonder Weeks, Product Overview

the wonder weeks bookDon’t you just wish babies can talk and tell you exactly what’s on their mind? Before the age of 2, they will mostly cry because that’s really what they know best.

Imagine, they’ve been so used to your womb which is their safe haven. Then suddenly, things are so different in the outside world.

You probably keep hearing from other parents that babies grow up fast. Well, they really do. As they continue to grow, they progress in their mental and physical development. And since it’s all drastically new to them, they need your help to deal with all the changes.

This worldwide best-seller reveals what’s going on your baby’s mind. They cry and are fussy for a reason. So don’t automatically think that you are doing something wrong.

They are going through growth spurts or developmental leaps which mean progress. During this period, their behaviour is marked by 3 C’s: Crying, Cranky, and Clingy.

Improve your self-confidence and know that you are not alone.

This book allows you to learn more about the struggles of other mothers when their babies were the same age as yours. It’s perfect because not everyone will be so lucky to have playgroups or forums where you can hear from other mothers who are going through what you are going through at that point.

We would all have different experiences, and you will hear different perspectives and advise. Only to realise eventually that when it comes to your baby, you are the expert. You know them best!

Track your baby’s development and find out what to expect next.

my wonder weeks journalI really love that you can track actual dates and know when the stormy and sunny periods will be. I’ve proven this so helpful in predicting when my baby will be fussy, and when she will be so easy to take care of.

The week-by-week guide can help you see things from your baby’s perspective and understand what kind of support they need.

It gives you a glimpse of what to expect and what signs your baby will show. There is an app that you can download through your mobile device or tablet. While that may already be enough for some, you will find much more details about each leap in the book.

If you are into writing and scrapbooking, you might want to consider the Wonder Weeks Journal. You can capture the developmental leaps and save the memories forever.

Forget about crying spells and have fun with your baby during their leaps.

Taking care of a baby can really be daunting and exhausting. And sometimes, you can’t help it but you know what, you can take comfort in knowing that there are games and activities you can do.

The Wonder Weeks will not tell you how to be a good parent. Instead you will know when your baby will be so fussy and unsettled, and not leave you feeling so helpless. You will learn from the experiences of other moms.

In conclusion, I HIGHLY recommend this book. This saved my sanity. I knew what to expect and what to do. Sometimes I would feel bad if my baby is not yet demonstrating certain skills and interests. But it would always remind me that a baby never does it all at once. So go ahead and download the app in your mobile device and read the book. It might help to put a smile on your face.

I hope you enjoyed this review and if you have any questions about The Wonder Weeks or want to leave your own personal review, leave your comment below.


  1. Teresa says:

    Sounds like a great book! My boys are already past the ‘wonder weeks’ but I can remember those times and can recall thinking, “What is going on here???” You’re right, it can be tough when you don’t have someone to solicit feedback from – it’s just important to remember we’ve all been there and everyone goes through it!

    • Raquel says:

      You’re absolutely right, Teresa! It’s definitely helpful to have some guide to help you through the crazies. Cheers!

  2. Lauren Kinghorn says:

    Hi Raquel, thanks for an excellent review! I’m kicking myself now for not buying and reading this book! A few of my friends mentioned The Wonder Weeks, but no-one ever gave me such a thorough review. The Journal, especially, would have been fab! I would love to have recorded my little one’s developmental milestones. I was so sure I would remember when each milestone was reached, but nope, I didn’t. If there’s ever a “next time” I’ll be buying these books!

    • Raquel says:

      So true, its such a nifty journal to have! Babies grow up so fast and it’s really a good thing to note all of their milestones. Should there be a “next time”, don’t forget to include this in your list of things to have. Thanks Lauren!

  3. EllieCommunicates says:

    I just wish I had seen this a couple of years earlier.

    Do you think it is easy to follow what the book suggests and does it lead to results?

    I like that the book doesn’t tell you what to do, instead it tells you how to read the signs in your child’s behaviour and be prepared.

    I like the book, will check it out.

    • Raquel says:

      Hi Ellie! This is will not tell you how to be the world’s greatest parent. What it contains are parents’ experiences and activities you can do with your baby at each stage to help with their development. It also explains why you should NOT let your baby cry it out which seems to be a popular topic among moms. It is really very easy to follow and is a good read. This has been an awesome guide for me, especially when my baby was extremely fussy, and when I wanted to figure out what I can do to help her in each leap. Hope you enjoy reading it.

  4. Michael says:

    Hi Raquel. I must say I’m delighted I stumbled across your post. My wife and I have a 7 week old baby boy and he has colic and is currently going through a leap. He constantly looks for attention and we’re both exhausted from looking after him. He is improving – I will say that, but we definitely need help. I do hope this book will help us understand him better.

    • Raquel says:

      Hi Michael. While it can take much from both of you at this point, it does get better (as you mentioned, there has been some improvement which is really great). Glad you came across The Wonder Weeks book review. It has indeed helped me during leaps and I hope it can help you as well. I highly suggest that you try it out. It will help you understand what your baby boy is going through and what you can do to help. Let me know how it works out.

  5. Ian says:

    I have three kids of my own and I wish I had this book when they were younger. The fussiness and crying were so frustrating because we had trouble finding out what the issue was. My wife is definitely better at this than I am, but now that the kids are all talking it’s a little bit easier and now they don’t stop talking about what’s bothering them.

    • Raquel says:

      Thank you Ian! I know what you mean. It can get very frustrating and sometimes you tend to reach boiling point because of all the noise. Its hard when you don’t understand them or you’re not sure what to do. That’s why I was personally so amazed with The Wonder Weeks. It’s great that your kids are now at the age where they can speak their minds. 🙂

  6. Tim says:

    One of the key things I picked up here that would be useful to mothers is that if they are busy (most mums are and may even have to work), the book gives experiences about other mums and their children.

    So if you don’t have time for a playgroup, then you will greatly benefit form the experiences in the book. Great idea and very helpful indeed 🙂

    • Raquel says:

      The book is a great eye opener in understanding cues about your child. Its way too stressful in the household when they are fussy, cranky and crying. So good to be able to have a clue on what to do. Thanks Tim!

  7. Linda C. says:

    “As they continue to grow, they progress in their mental and physical development.”

    Great education in what you have composed here. We can become so busy with the work of caring for our children that slowing down to observe and help them through a ‘fuss-budget’ phase can be daunting. Especially when we can still be so tired and adjusting ourselves.

    Now I would have loved to have this book when I was raising my five. Its just crazy wonderful that today this kind of information is quite literally right at our fingertips.

    I will keep this one in mind for the young moms I may meet. It should be a gift so I’m bookmarking this for that day I need to use it again.



    • Raquel says:

      It will truly make for a lovely gift. Moms will surely appreciate this book. It’s fantastic how products for moms and babies improve through the years. Thanks Linda!

  8. RachelLouise56 says:

    What a great book! I am hoping to be a mom someday, so I will have to keep this book (and your website) in mind for future reference! It is true that babies are exposed to so many changes so fast, it’s no wonder they are just fussy sometimes. This book sounds like the perfect resource to help young mothers know what to expect and what to do. Thanks for sharing!

    • Raquel says:

      Cool! It does give you a glimpse of what to expect and its good to have a guide when you take your turn at motherhood. It will be fun and exciting! Truly something to look forward to! 🙂

  9. Daniel Aittie says:


    This looks like a great book for nursing mothers, as we all know babies are quite helpless and it will take especially the mum to help them out. We should always be ready when they cry because that’s the only way they can express how they feel.

    I hope this book, The Wonder Weeks, is in large stock because I will need one when my baby is born.



    • Raquel says:

      Thanks Daniel! Yes, wouldn’t it be perfect if you knew what your baby was trying to say? 🙂 I’m pretty sure this will be available when you need it. All the best! 🙂

  10. Jezza says:

    Hi Raquel,

    I am a first-time mom, my son is 4 months old now. I have to agree with you that for first time parents they must have something to read on or a guide on what to expect especially when other family members are away from home. And I figured with your review on wonder weeks book, this book will be a big help for so many parents like me. I will actually grab one so thanks!


    • Raquel says:

      You’re welcome, Jezza! It’s really a big help. Babies do tend to be fussy and its great to have an idea what’s going on and what you can do about it. Enjoy the book! 🙂

  11. Diana says:

    This is great! I am a new mother of a 3 mo. I don’t have family around AND I’m the first one in my circle of friends to start a family!!!! I look forward to learning more and hope this will help with helping my baby’s development but also to help guide me since this is all so new to me!!! Thank you!!!

    • Raquel says:

      Hi Diana! I totally understand how it is to have a baby without family around and having to learn everything as it is all new. I went through the same thing. Moms like you are the reason for this site. I’m really glad you found it helpful. Please feel free to reach out for questions you may have. Happy to help! 🙂

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