Increase Breast Milk Supply with Moringa – An Amazing Superfood

increase breast milk supply with moringaHerbal supplements have come a long way in helping nursing mothers boost their milk supply. Fenugreek, fennel, milk thistle, cumin, among others have risen in popularity as a galactagogue or milk stimulating food.

You probably may not have heard much about the so-called Miracle Tree (unless you grew up in the tropics). You can actually increase breast milk supply with Moringa!

Moringa Oleifera is an all-purpose powerhouse packed with high nutritional value and multiple medicinal uses (source: US National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health).

All of its parts have something extraordinary to offer – from the leaves, root, seed, bark, fruits, and flowers. It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree native to the Himalayas, and regions of Africa and Asia.

It grows in tropical climates as a source of food and can practically grow anywhere.

Why is moringa considered a Superfood?

Nursing mothers can get more vitamins, minerals, and proteins than most vegetables. Moringa amazingly contains 92 nutrients and 46 types of antioxidants. It has essential amino acids, carotenoids, and high contents of calcium and potassium.

increase breast milk supply with moringaThe leaves of the moringa tree contain:

  • 25 times the Iron in spinach
  • 7 times the Vitamin C of oranges
  • 4 times the Vitamin A of carrots
  • 4 times the Calcium in milk
  • 3 times the Potassium of bananas
  • 3 times the Vitamin E of almonds
  • 2 times the Protein of milk
  • 50 times the B2 of sardines
  • 50 times the B3 of peanuts
  • 36 times the Magnesium of eggs

It is also known to reduce cholesterol, control blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and fight diabetes and cancer.

Since it can be grown easily it is used to overcome hunger and malnutrition – especially for infants. The leaves are cooked like spinach. It is also dried as it retains vitamins and minerals. The green pods and seeds are also edible.

Can moringa really increase breast milk supply? increase breast milk supply with moringa

A double-blind study was led by a team of four doctors (Ma. Corazon P. Estrella, M.D., Jacinto Blas V. Mantaring III, M.D., Grace Z. David, M.D., and Michelle A. Taup, M.D.) on the use of moringa for the augmentation of the volume of breast milk among mothers of pre-term infants. They found that those who consumed commercially available capsules with 250mg of moringa leaves twice daily, increased milk production significantly by day 5 by a whopping 152-176%!

As such, they recommend its routine use among mothers of pre-term infants to augment lactation, to ensure adequate supply of breast milk in the population that needs it the most.

Moringa has high iron content which is good for pregnant and lactating women. It increases milk supply for breastfeeding mothers, and provides more nutrition to mothers and babies.

Are there any side effects?

It is generally considered safe and there are no known side effects. However, I will always recommend checking with your doctor or lactation consultant before taking any supplements.

A word of caution, do not use or eat the root, bark, and flowers especially if you are pregnant because it contains toxins that are harmful for you. Better safe than sorry, right?

Even Dr. Oz recommends this super supplement as you re-energize your day. It boosts energy without caffeine!

While it is highly recommended for breastfeeding mothers, anyone can take this for the nutrients it provides.

How can I consume moringa?

It comes as fresh or dried leaves, powder, and capsule form. Consuming moringa concentrate provides increased energy due to its nutrients which are easily transfused into the bloodstream.

It takes approximately 7 lbs. of fresh moringa leaves to make 1 lb. of moringa powder. An easier way to look at it is:

1 tablespoon of moringa powder is equivalent to 7 tablespoons of fresh leaves.

Dried moringa leaves and moringa powder can be used to make tea, added to smoothies, juice, or yogurt, or even sprinkled on food. Just take note that excess heat destroys some of the vitamins and enzymes. So if you are adding it to soups and stews, it’s better to add it after cooking or before eating.

Where can I buy moringa?

Before you go ahead and buy moringa products, check if they are grown without toxic chemicals and pesticides because it ends up in the leaf. It should be fresh, pure (no fillers), and organic.

Also, don’t forget to store it in a cool, dry place and keep it out of direct sunlight.

Moringa is really my personal favourite among all the herbal supplements. I’ve taken it with my smoothies and took it in capsule form too. And it honestly made me engorged the very next day! It made me produce so much breast milk that I opted not to take it everyday.

Here are some organic moringa products you can look into:
increase breast milk supply with moringa

Terrasoul Superfoods Moringa Leaf Powder

Price: $12.99
Average Customer Rank: 4.8 out of 5
Where to Buy:

This moringa leaf powder is grown and harvested on sustainable, certified organic farms. They are carefully dried and milled at low temperatures to ensure potency.

USDA certified organic, non-GMO, raw, kosher, gluten-free, and vegan.


increase breast milk supply with moringaOrganic Veda Moringa Leaf Powder

Price: $20.99
Average Customer Rank: 4.4 out of 5
Where to Buy:

USDA certified organic and EU organic certified. 100% raw and vegetarian.

It is also 100% pure and natural – non-GMO, gluten-free, no fillers, no binders, and no artificial ingredients. Organically grown, harvested, and manufactured.

If you are a first time user, it is recommended that you start with 1/2 teaspoon a day before you start taking more than that. Get used to the taste first. Remember, moringa is very potent.

increase breast milk supply with moringaKiva Organic Moringa Leaf Powder

Price: $19.98
Average Customer Rank: 4.6 out of 5
Where to Buy:

It contains 100% raw, vegan, non-GMO, organic moringa leaf powder.

Whole leaves are hand harvested from a single source farm and processed at low temperatures to protect its natural nutrients and flavour.

Moringa does not dissolve well in water, so I suggest that you enjoy it as a smoothie or juice.

increase breast milk supply with moringaMoringa Source Moringa Oleifera Capsules

Price: $29.95
Average Customer Rank: 4.7 out of 5
Where to Buy:

USDA certified organic, vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, and caffeine-free. Adults are recommended to take 2 capsules daily.

Aside from increasing your breast milk supply, use it to strengthen your immune system and uplift your day. Perfect for tired moms, and even dads!


increase breast milk supply with moringaOrganic Veda Moringa Capsules

Price: $17.99
Average Customer Rank: 4.1 out of 5
Where to Buy:

It is made from organic moringa leaves and harvested at low temperatures.

USDA certified organic and made without artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives.

100% vegetarian, gluten-free, non-GMO, and naturally caffeine-free.


In conclusion, if you are still struggling to make more milk, this may be the answer you have been looking for. It is filled with nutrients that are so good for you and your baby. Give it a try and it might just help.

If you have any questions or want to leave your personal review, leave your comment below.


  1. Donette says:

    I just brought the moringa liquid soft gels 1,000 with omega superfoods made by Irwin Naturals. Do you think the gel one works well? I brought it from Sprouts and I don’t want to use it if it’s not worth taking. I’m a mom for the 4th time and I have the moringa powder, but I can’t take the taste anymore and I just want to keep my supply up while I am at work.

    • Raquel says:

      Hi Donette. If you have the powder, feel free to mix it in smoothies so that it tastes better. Otherwise, I think you should be fine with the soft gels. Cheers!

    • Raquel says:

      That’s a good combination, Michelle. Its generally safe for breastfeeding mothers and is very soothing. Moringa has high nutritive value and ginger can help with indigestion or stress. Just check with your doctor in case you’re taking any medication for diabetes, blood pressure, blood clotting, or heart disease. Cheers!

  2. Christina Gordon says:

    I’ve had trouble with the latch from day one and had to supplement with the bottle. My supply is very low and my LO is 4 months. Sometimes she stays on my breast but most times she gets fussy. When I pump I’m only producing about 1.5oz with and on average 6oz a day. I just started the morniga powder 4 days ago with one teaspoon. So far no results but I will continue for the next few weeks or so. I’m a working mom as well so it’s very hard

  3. Tusha santana says:

    I have just had my third baby and I had trouble feeding them Both as my milk supply was not very good. I really enjoyed breastfeeding and would love to feed my baby for as long as possible. I have some moringa powder. How much should I take a day? And for how many days? Please help!

    • Raquel says:

      Congratulations on your youngest baby, Tusha! Glad you chose to breastfeed! Since you have moringa powder, you can start with half a teaspoon for a week. And after that, then try to make a teaspoon for about 2 weeks. Check to see how your tummy reacts. Best to listen to your body. You can’t take a lot since it may lead to an unsettled stomach. In case this happens, feel free to skip a day or two, or take less before you decide to take it regularly. Hope this helps!

  4. Alice says:

    Oh wow, I’ve never heard of this leaf before but my goodness, that is some boost in production 176%!!! I think I might have to invest in some as I return to work in a few weeks and need to up my freezer stash… do you know if it interacts with any medications, specifically ones for epilepsy? Thanks!

    • Raquel says:

      Hi Alice. Yes, its worked wonders for me! I do think its best to check with your doctor since you’re taking some medication. Cheers!

    • Mark says:

      Hey Alice, you may have already gotten an answer regarding using Moringa with epilepsy medications, but my personal experience is with taking epilepsy medications (specifically Epilim and Keppra – terrible drugs by the way if you see the side effects, hence moving towards natural treatments nowadays) and I eat a good deal of Moringa, and quite a lot now recently and it’s fantastic. Lots of energy and your body feels fresh, so I have faith from the good things I’ve heard about it that it’s really helping the body deeper too.
      A master herbalist and acupuncturist that I’ve been fortunate enough to know said that Moringa is a rare herb that in Eastern medicine responds to different parts of the body, if they’re hot or cold then Moringa responds to it accordingly and cools it if it is hot or warms if it is cold, whereas most either just heat or cool. So it’s meant to be quite a restoring and balancing plant in that sense. So I would imagine it would help in other ways in your body for the epilepsy beyond just nutrients.
      Also, I’ll share that in my case with the epilepsy diagnosis I was given when I was 15 after having a seizure, that doctor I mentioned checked my pulse when I was 23 and it wasn’t epilepsy I have but very excessive liver heat (which is associated with anger unfortunately) which resulted in blood and oxygen not getting to the brain and the body responds by shaking to get the blood to flow. So instead of being treated at the cause of both fixing the liver heat (and emotions!) the epilepsy drugs prescribed basically have a numbing effect to control those emotions, and when that stops being strong enough they up the dose. So really it’s not a fixing treatment but just a long term numbing suppression with the medications. Only reason I share that is that there are many cases of misdiagnosis with that sort of thing so I hope you’ve been well treated. I hope the medications are going okay for you. My situation is different because I’ve only had a few infrequent seizures so I’m able to taper off the meds over time and fix the problem at the cause, but for people having seizures many times a week then they don’t have much choice because they really need to have medications.
      Anyway, I’d keep knocking over heaps of Moringa no worries. What has been your experience with it since posting?

  5. Julie says:

    I struggled to exclusively breastfeed my daughter and supplemented with formula after she became very dehydrated and not gaining weight at 8 days old. Now my son is not putting on sufficient weight and after meeting with a lactation consultant it appears the issue is insufficient glandular tissue. I’ve just ordered some 400mg capsules, how many of these would you recommend taking a day? Thank you.

    • Raquel says:

      Hi Julie. Glad to know that you’ve talked to your lactation consultant. Its important for them to know your breastfeeding goals so that they can help you. Suggest that you look at the recommended dosage. I personally take 1 capsule daily. Also saw an article on insufficient glandular tissue, thought it might help. All the best!

  6. Mianta says:

    My daughter is 10 months old and my Milk supply has decreased quite a bit. She’s teething but I am still nursing. I wanted to breastfeed for at least a year, if not longer. I have been nursing & pumping, taking fenugreek and blessed milk thistle, mommy’s milk tea, nutritional yeast, a lot of water & and really concerned about my Milk supply. She has normal diaper usage, isn’t dehydrated, she still nurses regularly so she’s getting enough nutrients from my Milk & baby food. I’m ready to go get Moringa tomorrow morning.

    • Raquel says:

      First of all, I think you have to give yourself a pat on the back for reaching 10 months! You are doing a good job and it’s wonderful that you are nursing even if your daughter is teething. I think you can definitely breastfeed longer.

      Wanted to ask, how often do you nurse and pump? Just remember that supply equals demand. Feed often and this will increase the amount of milk you are producing.

      Based on what you mentioned, it seems like your milk supply is fine. If you are concerned that you are not able to pump enough breast milk, you can try massaging your breast as you pump. You can also replace one pumping session with a power pump. Just pick one hour and follow this pattern — Pump for 20 minutes and rest for 10 minutes. Pump for another 10 minutes and rest for 10 minutes. Lastly, pump for 10 more minutes. Results vary, but you can expect it within 3-7 consecutive days of power pumping.

      Take it easy on the supplements. Just see what works for you, rather than trying to take so much. Water will help you keep hydrated, and don’t forget to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Let me know how it goes. All the best!

  7. Martina says:

    I think moringa was just going “mainstream” after I had my second daughter 3 years ago. There seemed to be just one type of moringa capsule that was being promoted on the market. its nice to see there are many more options! Im pregnant with our 4th child and I have always struggled with my supply. Im looking forward to trying out your suggestions! (loving the vegan options as all of my kids seem to have problems with dairy early on, so I have to remove it from my diet temporarily). Do you suggest the powder over the capsule form? or do you think they have about the same.effectiveness?

    • Raquel says:

      Given a choice, I would suggest taking the powder over capsules since it is assimilated faster and easier in our body. For the powder form, the suggested quantity is 2 teaspoons a day. And you’d have to take a few pieces of the capsules to match that. However, having said that, you also can’t go wrong with moringa capsules which I also take myself. Let me know how you go. Thanks Martina!

  8. Pitin says:

    I agree with this. My mother has planted moringga trees in our backyard and cooked foods with moringga in it especially during my eight month of pregnancy onwards. You can literally mix it with any food – soup, coconut milk based foods, etc. It does miracles on your milk supply. If you are not lucky to have the actual leaves accessible, the moringga capsules are as effective. My breasts would usually be hard as rock several hours after taking 2 capsules as advised by doctor.

    • Raquel says:

      Thanks for sharing this, Pitin! You are lucky to have moringa so accessible in your backyard. Fresh leaves are wonderful to have for good health, not just lactation. In any case, yes, it also works very well in powder, dried leaves or capsule form. Glad to hear that you reaped so much benefit from it too!

  9. Taz says:

    Hello Raquel

    I was so excited for my wife and my newborn son when I started reading. Then when it got to the nutritional benefits of this superfood – Moringa, I started thinking about me, lol. 25 times the iron in spinach, that is amazing! She hasn’t really had any issues flowing productively, but I think this could be very useful for backup milk. You have surely been bookmarked.

    Thank you


    • Raquel says:

      You are most welcome, Travontaz! Moringa is a superfood, so as much as it can help lactating women, it can also be helpful to you. It’s high nutritional value definitely cannot be ignored. Give it a try.

  10. lexi says:

    As a new mom I am consistently looking for ways to increase my supply. THANK YOU! I had never heard of moringa until I read this. This gives me hope that I can find a natural way to increase my production so I don’t have to supplement with formula. Thanks again!

    • Raquel says:

      Great to hear this, Lexi! Remember, you are doing great. There are definitely natural ways to increase your breast milk supply, so never ever lose hope. I’m here to help.

  11. Farhan says:

    I absolutely love the look of your website. Even though I probably would not benefit from this information, I still found it to be interesting and well put together.

    Very informative and I am sure mothers all over the world will enjoy your site. Just curious, have you tried these supplements yourself? if yes, what is your personal take on it?

    Great article!

    • Raquel says:

      Thanks for the great feedback, Farhan! I do love moringa and have tried different brands. As long as it is fresh, pure, and organic, I believe you can’t go wrong because it works. Moringa powder is really good with smoothies, but for convenience, I use moringa capsules for breastfeeding.

  12. Sarah says:

    WOW! I have never heard of moringa, it seems like a great superfood. I was fortunate when I was breastfeeding years ago that I did not have any problems producing milk for my daughter. This is great information for those who are having trouble. I am really impressed by all the nutritional value in moringa. I am wondering about the health benefits of it for the non-breastfeeding person. Would you recommend moringa as a herbal supplement just for general health? This website has given me something to research further for maintaining my own health. Very interesting and informative.

    • Raquel says:

      Thanks Sarah! It really is an impressive superfood that’s why I’m a little surprised that it has not gained as much popularity. I would definitely recommend it for general health, not just for breastfeeding. My husband and I used to include dried moringa leaves in our smoothies even way before I was pregnant. And since it was readily available where we used to live, we would even use it for cooking – soup, for instance. Do feel free to read further on the health benefits of moringa oleifera before you try it out. Let me know how it works out.

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