Soothe Sore Breasts During Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding takes practice before you get the hang of it. Since you and your baby both need to learn the correct attachment, poor yet strong sucking can lead to cracked and sore breasts during breastfeeding.

I still remember how painful that was at the start! It was terrible! Because I was doing it all wrong, my baby was eating me alive! I didn’t know how and she was literally feeding on my nipples. It felt like she had teeth and was biting me (clearly, there were none).

I was told to express some milk to lubricate the nipple. Since milk was not flowing yet, and colostrum seemed to just be mere droplets, I wasn’t really sure how to do that. So when I asked for their help, the nurses pressed my nipples to let the colostrum out (and that again, hurt!). Argh!

So anyway, I would still try, but I can’t seem to do it myself. Guess I was too afraid of the pain… And when my sore nipples were cracked and bleeding, I checked with the nurses again and they recommended that I put nipple cream. They also gave me a box of nursing pads to use.

Based on what I know, here’s my personal review of the best nipple creams, disposable breast pads, and gel-free pack. I have already selected the best products (in my opinion) so that it can lessen the thousands of things you need to think about.

Best Nipple Creams

Lansinoh LanolinLansinoh HPA Lanolin

Price: $6.88

Average Customer Rank: 4.7 out of 5

Where to Buy:

It was the recommended brand in the hospital as it is safe for mom and baby. It contains 100% lanolin and it is very cheap. You should only place a small amount on the tip of the nipples, otherwise it will clog your milk ducts.

I also know that some people also use it as lip balm for dry, cracked lips and feet.

However, it was very thick and hard to apply. I try to to warm it with my fingertips first before I dab it on my nipples. I noticed that it also left an oily stain on my clothes.

I love organic products, and I read that lanolin (which comes from sheep’s wool) is treated with insecticides and pesticides since it is susceptible to pests. This can cause allergic reactions, so stay away if you are allergic to lanolin or wool. Wish I knew this beforehand…

With that, I highly recommend two alternatives that are lanolin free and made of organic ingredients:

Earth Mama Angel Baby Natural Nipple Butter

Price: $8.99

Average Customer Rank: 4.4 out of 5

Where to Buy: Earth Mama Angel Baby Organics

Highly RecommendedMy favourite is Earth Mama Angel Baby Natural Nipple Butter. It is organic (just the way I like it), lanolin-free (no need to worry about allergies and pesticide contamination), and non-GMO. It is also hypoallergenic and free of toxins.

The consistency is soft and nice like butter. It is highly effective and it is absorbed well by the skin. Very safe for babies.

The ingredients are known to protect, soften, and moisturise the skin. Since it has organic cocoa butter, I love that it smells like cocoa (which is a plus). However, it may cause gas to babies who are sensitive to chocolate.

If you don’t need it anymore, you can use it alternatively for chapped lips, dry cuticles, minor rashes and cuts, and even as a diaper cream.

Motherlove nipple creamMotherlove Nipple Cream

Price: $9.95

Average Customer Rank: 4.6 out of 5

Where to Buy:

Highly RecommendedIt is organic and all-natural, and like the rest, it doesn’t need to be washed off before breastfeeding. It quickly softens, heals skin, and relieves pain.

The consistency is good. However, it smells faintly of olive oil, and is quite expensive compared to the two other nipple creams.

Since you may not finish the entire container, good thing nipple creams have alternative uses. It can also be a diaper cream.

Best Disposable Nursing Pads

Lansinoh nursing padsLansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads

Price: $10.45
Average Customer Rank: 4.5 out of 5

Where to Buy:
Highly RecommendedI was given a box of Pigeon disposable nursing pads in the hospital and I also brought a box of a generic store brand with me. Didn’t realise I’d be leaking!

It was terrible when my breasts were really engorged during the early weeks that I was breastfeeding. And this was when my baby didn’t want to feed yet (or missed a feed). My shirt became wet, so obviously I need absorbent nursing pads that do not leak! I also prefer disposable nursing pads to those that can be reused and are washable for convenience (that’s my personal preference).

I’ve tried several brands and this is my favourite. My sister gave this to me. It has two adhesive strips at the back so it doesn’t slide. Other brands wouldn’t stay well on your bra or nursing singlet/tank top. It was also super absorbent, which was something that I really needed. And it was individually wrapped.

I think the only issue is that it can be noticeable under your bra. So just take a good look in the mirror if you are wearing a thin top or bra. Otherwise, I didn’t really have issues since I didn’t wear anything too thin or I would layer clothes.

It is such a great value for money!

Pigeon Disposable Breast PadsPigeon Disposable Breast Pads

Price: $23.97

Average Customer Rank: not available
Where to Buy:

This was what they gave me in the hospital and I really liked it. Like the Lansinoh disposable nursing pads, it was lightweight. super absorbent (didn’t leak), had two stickers at the back and didn’t slide.

It was also individually wrapped, the inside becomes a gel, and it wasn’t noticeable at all!

My only concern is the price (I’m glad it was given to me for free!). Although you can say it’s worth it, It’s definitely expensive compared to the other disposable breast pads.

Best Breastfeeding Gel-Free Pack

Booby tubesBooby Tubes

Price: $12.99
Average Customer Rank: 4.4 out of 5

Where to Buy: Earth Mama Angel Baby Organics

These are natural, safe, gel-free breast packs made of 100% cotton shell and filled with flax seeds. You can use it warm or cold.

It’s amazing in encouraging milk flow, helping prevent clogged ducts, and promoting milk let-down.

These are also super soft and no one will notice that you’re wearing them.

I prefer using it warm instead of cold. Just put it in the microwave for 20-40 seconds and apply it to your breasts for 5 minutes before breastfeeding or pumping. It doesn’t stay hot for long though, so its better to put it inside your bra so it can retain the heat a bit longer. You also cannot wash it due to the material used. Just wipe it with a damp cloth.

I hope you enjoyed this review and if you have any questions or want to leave your own personal review, leave your comment below.


  1. Chanan says:


    this is a good article if you’re starting your breastfeeding journey!

    I remember when my wife started breastfeeding our new born baby and she had real sore nipples, she regreted nursing untill she started using the cream you recomended – Lansinoh, that really helped!!

    The nursing pads you mentioned is also very good and its very important to use them. I suggest everyone to use it.

    • Raquel says:

      Glad to hear this, Channan! It can get painful especially at the start. And nipple creams and breast pads are really helpful! All the best!

  2. Nina says:

    I’m actually weaning my almost 2 year old now and I know I’ll get to experience the initial horror again soon – swollen breasts, pain, and sensitive nipples. I didn’t have cracks or bleeding back in the day. But maybe that’s because I used Lansinoh from day one after each feeding and until my baby turned 2 months. That’s when breastfeeding stopped causing so much pain. I stumbled upon your website now that my second baby is about to come meet us and I see that they have new creams and new treatments now. I might give Earth Mama Angel Baby Natural Nipple Butter a try – hopefully this time it won’t take as long as TWO MONTHS to get better =) Thanks for the info!

    • Raquel says:

      Congratulations on your next baby, Nina! It will yet be another exciting journey for you. Having Earth Mama Angel Baby Natural Nipple Butter with you is wonderful! It is organic and will help to protect and moisturise your skin. I also suggest that you practice on getting the correct latch with your second as soon as you can. Hopefully, it won’t take two months this time. All the best!

  3. Heather Grace says:

    I will never forget the horror of those first few weeks nursing my first baby! Oh my goodness! But you are right that it was all because he was latching wrong. There is hope for moms because I was wiser the second go around and what a difference when you know what you are doing and what to look for. My second baby latched beautifully every time with my help and I never had pain with him.

    My favorites are the Earth Mamma Angel and the Lansinoh pads too. Both wonderful products! Great review and really a necessity for new moms!

    • Raquel says:

      It’s so wonderful to hear that it worked better for you the second time around! Yes, correct latching does so much wonders. Our nipples won’t be damaged in the process and it won’t be that painful! No wonder some moms quit right away – the pain you experience from doing it wrong is horrible. Nipple creams really do work and breast pads are a necessity. Once you do get it right though, the experience will be truly worth it! Thanks Heather!

  4. Dave says:

    Raquel, I am gutted I never found your website 2 yrs ago as my wife was in a LOT of pain with our son. He wanted boob every 2 hours, morning, noon or night and my poor wife’s nipples were in a bad way.

    Anyway fast forward to stumbling across your website and I could not be happier, thank you for your article on soothing sore breasts. My wife is currently 6.5 months pregnant and was dreading breast feeding again, however I think we may have found a solution thanks to your article, it is great that you have included organic options as well.

    Oh and the wonder weeks, WOW what a book, it genuinely kept us sane.

    So whats the plan for up and coming articles then?

    • Raquel says:

      You made my day, Dave! So happy you found it helpful! Hope your wife can have a better experience breastfeeding this time around. Hopefully, it can be better for her given that she already knows the correct attachment. Let her try practicing that first. Otherwise, there is still a way around sore nipples and breasts.

      Watch out for more interesting articles! I have more lined up.

      It won’t be long before your next bub arrives. Congratulations! 🙂

  5. Merceadez says:

    I have breast feed two babies and I can honestly say that Lansinoh HPA Lanolin nipple cream saved my life. I love that stuff its very soothing for the mother and harmless for the babies too! It’s also all natural so you don’t have to worry about chemicals or harmful ingredients. I don’t know if I could have kept breast feeding without it. Thanks for the review. There are lots of other options you have listed that I have not tried before. If I’m ever in need again maybe I’ll give one of the others a try.


    • Raquel says:

      Nipple creams are indeed little life savers! Lansinoh is a very popular brand. Moms should have a nipple cream handy in their hospital bag. You just might need it!

      Thanks Merceadez!

  6. Kelly says:

    Wow, its beautiful to learning about breast feeding. I am not yet a mother but trusting in God to be one at the right time, but I find your article very educative and its always good to learn new things, especially the cream for sore breasts. I will keep your website in mind when I need it. Thanks a lot

    • Raquel says:

      The perfect time will come for you, Kelly. Glad you’re already trying to be informed. Yes, do mark this site. When the time comes, I’m sure you will want to know more about breastfeeding and motherhood. All the best! 🙂

  7. says:


    Great post.

    I think more men should read this post so that they can try and empathise/sympathise with their partners better.

    This was an eye opener for me and after reading your post I have a greater appreciation for what mothers have to go through not long after child birth.

    It was an enjoyable read.

    • Raquel says:

      Thanks Braxa! Totally all for it! Empathy and support from partners are sooooo important not just during pregnancy and birth, but more so after. This will definitely help moms in their breastfeeding journey.

  8. fmwaniki says:

    Hello Raquel,i agree with you sore breasts can even prevent you from breast feeding or even expressing.This again brings in the issue of breast engorgement.I am happy you talked about some creams that would help mothers heal fast and stay away from the pain.I believe in maternity hospitals proper health education should be given to nursing mothers on how to properly attach the babies on the breast to help avoid this.Great information there.

    • Raquel says:

      That’s true! I think apart from classes after you give birth, it will be good to have a nurse guide you on how to do it (maybe even a few times since it does take practice). Hopefully, this can all be done before you even reach the point of damaged nipples – meaning, you’ve been doing the attachment all wrong. This way, breastfeeding and pumping will be much easier moving forward.

  9. Juliet says:

    Hi Raquel,
    It’s amazing to see how much aid and advice is available for breast feeding. New mothers should never go wrong. It’s also good to know that even if I am no longer breast feeding, nipple cream has multipurpose functions it also works for dry, cracked lips and feet. I love the booby tubes, like you I would prefer to use them warm. Great post, keep up the good work!

    • Raquel says:

      Thanks Juliet! I think even if there’s so much information available, sometimes new moms get so overwhelmed or just don’t know what to search for, My hope is to help them with their breastfeeding journey. It’s a challenging, yet fun experience.

      Glad to know you loved the booby tubes! 🙂

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